sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012



( P )  GPS N 48.08756  ;  E 3.29645

Dominated by its majestic church, Our Lady of the Assumption, Villeneuve is one of the cities with a royal dungeon (The Great Tower or Tower Louis the Fat), the attribute of power and the glory of Philippe Auguste in line Tour of the Louvre. Philip Augustus held parliament in 1204 and St. Louis lived there in 1270 before leaving for the Eighth Crusade to Tunis where he died of the plague.
The fourteenth to the sixteenth Villeneuve lost its strategic importance and is impacted by economic difficulties of the Hundred Years War and the fire of 1594 (Wars of Religion).
The seventeenth sees the rebirth of the city around its traditional (wood, vines, tanneries and river trade). The church ends with the Renaissance facade of Jacques Chereau (historical museum at the Porte de Joigny)


( P ) N 47.98018  ;  E  3.39327

The romantic painter Turner sketched the countryside here in 1802. This is a picturesque little town, spilling down the terraces of the Côte St-Jacques overlooking the River Yonne. Rebuilt in the 16th century after much of it was destroyed by fire, some of the buildings have wooden carved decoration, notably the houses called the Arbre de Jessé, Maison du Pilori, Maison du Bailli and Maison de l’Ave Maria. The view from the top of the Côte de St-Jacques over the town and river is particularly lovely.
Joigny is lively, with a good market, contemporary art museum and plenty of waterway activity. The Canal de Bourgogne begins its path here making it a centre for boat hire during the summer months.
The Côte St-Jacques is famous for its vin gris which has a ‘semi-regional’ AOC.

An historic archway in Joigny
To the north and east of the town is the unspoilt wooded area of the Pays d'Othe which stretches into the Champagne region. Making a refreshing change from wine, this is cider making country with apple orchards covering the lush valleys. At Vaudeurs you can visit the old wooden presses and taste a French version of scrumpy.
Amongst the oak, beech, maple and wild cherry trees in the forest, there are much sought after mushrooms in autumn. This is a glorious area for nature lovers for walking, riding and birdwatching.

Camping Municipal  1/04 - 31/10   GPS  N 47º 58´ 55"  ;  E  3º  22´ 32"


Camping Municipal   15/04  - 30/09   TEL  03 86 52 11 15  Centro-1,5 kms

GPS N 47º  47´ 9"  ;  E 3º  35´ 16"

Camping Ermitage
GPS  N 47.45653  ; E 3.73764

quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012




Esta pequena cidade é absolutamente encantadora.
Camping Zum Jone-Bur, 1/01- 31/12, excepto Novembro. 
Em Imgenbroich , a 4 kms de Monschau. A pé, por estradas secundárias, 3 Kms, com uma parte do percurso em acentuado declive. 
GPS  N 50º 34` 04"  ;  E 6º  16` 0" 
A 800 mts deste camping, com grande parte dos lugares ocupados por material todo o ano, há um centro comercial.

Há um outro camping, mais perto de Monschau, nas margens do pequeno rio
Camping Perlenau  15/03 -  31/10
GPS  N  50º  32` 35"   ;  E  6º 14` 13" 


Pequena cidade nas margens do rio Ahr, com o seu castelo em ruínas, com algum encanto

Campingplatz Altenhar  1/04 -  31/10
GPS  N  50º 30` 49"  ;  E  6º  59` 12" 


Belíssima cidade nas margens do rio Mosela. Vale a viagem

Campingplatz Kueser Werth   1/04  - 31/10     Centro-2 Kms     Numa ilha do rio Mosel

Bom, grande e com sombras.   GPS  N 49º  54` 32"  ;   E  7º  3` 22" 


Cidade muito perto da fronteira Francesa, construída pelo grande Vauban, no tempo de Luís XIV. Nesse tempo, era território Francês. Muito danificada por várias guerras, tem como único ponto de interesse, os espantosos vitrais da sua igreja. São uma homenagem às vítimas da guerra.

Campingpark Saarlouis/ Dr Ernst Dadder   1/04 -  31/10   Centro a 1 km

GPS  N  49º  19` 06"  ;  E  6º  44´ 23"